Pension statement

Every year, all members of the Fonds de Pensions Nestlé receive their pension statement, valid as of 1 January. This provides information on the financing (contributions), the insured and projected benefits as well as the current pension assets on the calculation date.

Fonds de Pensions Nestlé
Pension Statement at 01.09.2025
Emmanuella Exemple
Av. de l'Exemple 2
1800 Entre-deux-Exemples
Personal data
Member number 10000000
Social security number 756.0000.0000.00
Marital status Unmarried
Activity rate 100%

Annual salary (excluding bonus but including the 13th salary).

Annual base salary

Annual salary minus the coordination amount of 1/3 of the annual salary up to max. CHF 20 000.

Annual pensionable salary


The insured member may choose his own savings contribution rate by selecting a plan. The choice only affects retirement benefits; it has no impact on death, disability benefits and employer’s contributions.

Savings plan
Date of birth 01.06.1968
Starting date of membership 01.03.1990
Normal date of retirement 31.07.2033
Employer Example
Financing (in CHF)
per month
per year
per year

The insured member and the employer pay a savings contribution in accordance with the chosen plan (Basic, Standard or Top). The savings contribution is credited to the insured members’ savings account.

Savings contribution
316 3'792 8'712

The risk premium for death and disability is allocated to the Fund’s risk provision. This provision is used to fund death and disability benefits for active members. The risk contributions are not taken into account for the calculation of the termination benefits when a member leaves the Fund.

Risk premium for death and disability
19 228 444
335 4'020 9'156
Savings (in CHF)

Details of the accrued benefits available at the date of calculation.

Retirement savings

If the member has totally closed the pension gap, he can top up his early retirement account with additional contributions.

Early retirement account
Vested benefits (including LPP retirement savings of CHF 79 300)8

This concerns savings contribution that you are entitled to by law (minimum LPP). The difference with the existing savings contribution is called extra-mandatory part.

Insured benefits (in CHF)
Age 60
per month
Age 65
per year
Expected retirement savings, projected with interest rate 1.5%
471'723 581'871

Retirement savings at retirement age multiplied by the conversion rate corresponding to the retirement age.

Retirement pension
23'868 33'738

65% of the pensionable salary, payable until normal retirement age;
In case of partial disability, the pension is proportionate to the degree of disability granted by the Fonds.

Temporary disability pension

10% of the retirement pension in payment max. CHF 12’000 per year.

Disabled person's child's pension, per child

45% of pensionable salary to spouse/partner in case of death of an active member 70% of disability or retirement pension.

Surviving spouse's/partner's pension

10% of the deceased active member’s pensionable salary
15% of the disabled or retirement pension
If the child has lost both parents, the orphan’s pension is doubled

Orphan's pension, per child

In the event of the death of an active member or a member receiving a retirement pension or a temporary disability pension, a one-time death allowance of CHF 5,000 is paid.

One-time death allowance
Death lump sum
according to regulations
Complementary indications (in CHF)

Voluntary purchases are optional contributions made by a member in addition to the regulatory contributions.

Maximum purchase amount to close the gaps in pension benefits (subject to legal restrictions)

Early retirement may only be prefinanced after the gap in benefits has been fully topped up.

Maximum purchase amount for funding of early retirement at age 58
Purchase amount paid in, with interest 0

The maximum amount authorised for the encouragement of home ownership corresponds:

  • up to the age of 50, to the entire vested benefits
  • for members aged over 50, either to the amount of vested benefits accrued at the age of 50, or to half of the amount of the vested benefits accrued at the time of payment, whichever is highest. Additional voluntary contributions to the Fund cannot be withdrawn as a lump sum during three years following the payment.
Maximum amount available for home ownership

Applicable only to active members who were allocated a one-off credit as part of the plan changes effective 01.07.2013.

One-off credit by the employer at 01.07.2013, with interest

Applicable only to active members who benefited from a conditional guarantee following the regulatory changes that took place on 01.07.2018.

Value in capital of the conditional guarantee at retirement age
Pension rights accrued outside Switzerland prior to 01.07.2013 are deducted from the one-off credit at the time of any insured pension event. The period outside Switzerland is also taken into account in case of withdrawal for home ownership or divorce.
The insured benefits do not include the early retirement account; it is paid as a lump sum or can be converted into a pension, upon request. B In case of discrepancy between this statement and the Savings Plan Pension Fund regulations, the latter is applicable.
This document cancels and replaces all previous statements.
As a reminder, any countries of assignment you may have had in your career as well as your citizenship(s) may have personal tax implications depending on, among other things, whether an assignment country taxes worldwide income and/or wealth and any applicable exclusions. If in doubt, you should discuss with your tax advisor.
Pension Statement at 01.09.2025
Personal data

First name and Last name
Member number
Social Security Number
Savings plan

Emmanuella Exemple
756 0000 0000 00
Evolution of pension assets in 2025 (in CHF)
Retirement savings
Savings capital at 01.01.2025 310'321
+ Savings contributions member 1'485
+ Savings contributions employer 3'408
+ Vested benefits, purchase amount and other positive movements 0
- Early withdrawals and other negative movements 0
+ Minimum interest 1,00% 2'086
+ Additional interest 0
Savings capital at 01.09.2025 317'300
Including LPP retirement savings 79'300
Vested benefits at 01.09.2025 317'300
Retirement benefits projected with interest rate 1.5% (in CHF)
(Early retirement account not included)
retirement savings
Expected retirement benefit at normal retirement age
581'871 33'738
Expected early retirement benefits at
years 58 429'062 20'880
years 59 450'234 22'344
years 60 471'723 23'868
years 61 493'535 25'692
years 62 515'674 27'612
years 63 538'145 29'604
years 64 560'953 31'692

Annual salary (excluding bonus but including the 13th salary).

Annual salary minus the coordination amount of 1/3 of the annual salary up to max. CHF 20 000.

The insured member may choose his own savings contribution rate by selecting a plan. The choice only affects retirement benefits; it has no impact on death, disability benefits and employer’s contributions.

The insured member and the employer pay a savings contribution in accordance with the chosen plan (Basic, Standard or Top). The savings contribution is credited to the insured members’ savings account.

The risk premium for death and disability is allocated to the Fund’s risk provision. This provision is used to fund death and disability benefits for active members. The risk contributions are not taken into account for the calculation of the termination benefits when a member leaves the Fund.

Details of the accrued benefits available at the date of calculation.

If the member has totally closed the pension gap, he can top up his early retirement account with additional contributions.

This concerns savings contribution that you are entitled to by law (minimum LPP). The difference with the existing savings contribution is called extra-mandatory part.

Retirement savings at retirement age multiplied by the conversion rate corresponding to the retirement age.

65% of the pensionable salary, payable until normal retirement age;
In case of partial disability, the pension is proportionate to the degree of disability granted by the Fonds.

10% of the retirement pension in payment max. CHF 12’000 per year.

45% of pensionable salary to spouse/partner in case of death of an active member 70% of disability or retirement pension.

10% of the deceased active member’s pensionable salary
15% of the disabled or retirement pension
If the child has lost both parents, the orphan’s pension is doubled

In the event of the death of an active member or a member receiving a retirement pension or a temporary disability pension, a one-time death allowance of CHF 5,000 is paid.

Voluntary purchases are optional contributions made by a member in addition to the regulatory contributions.

Early retirement may only be prefinanced after the gap in benefits has been fully topped up.

The maximum amount authorised for the encouragement of home ownership corresponds:

  • up to the age of 50, to the entire vested benefits
  • for members aged over 50, either to the amount of vested benefits accrued at the age of 50, or to half of the amount of the vested benefits accrued at the time of payment, whichever is highest. Additional voluntary contributions to the Fund cannot be withdrawn as a lump sum during three years following the payment.

Applicable only to active members who were allocated a one-off credit as part of the plan changes effective 01.07.2013.

Applicable only to active members who benefited from a conditional guarantee following the regulatory changes that took place on 01.07.2018.