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Nestlé pension benefits in Switzerland
The Fonds de Pensions Nestlé is a foundation based in Vevey (Switzerland) whose purpose is to provide retirement, disability or death benefits to employees of Nestlé companies in Switzerland or their survivors. Its membership currently consists of round 8’500 active insured members and over 5’900 pension beneficiaries.
Since 2013, the Nestlé occupational pension scheme has been organized according to the defined contribution principle. The benefits offered by the Fonds de Pensions Nestlé to its insured members exceed the minimum benefits provided by the Swiss Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans (LOB). The Fonds de Pensions Nestlé independently covers the risks of old age, death and disability.
The Fonds de Pensions Nestlé team is composed of 15 employees.
Choice of savings plan (contribution level)
Members covered by the savings plan will be able to change their plan on April 1st, 2025 by using the online form available on the intranet. The online form must be sent to the Fund’s administration, by March 15th, 2025.
If you do not wish to change your current savings plan (Basic, Standard or Top), it will be automatically carried over. You therefore do not need to complete the form again.